When I started laying down the foundation for “Larry Fried Presents,” (logo pictured on the right) I knew that having a place to house my writing was a must. I think about a lot of things on a daily basis, whether it be a movie review, an opinionated think-piece, or simply a creative short story, and having this home base for my writing is a good way to jumpstart the process of actually getting my thoughts down in digital writing.
In fact, having a home base in general is really the best place to start, because while I love to write, there have been far too many instances where I will start a project passionately, and then just shove it to the side because I begin asking myself questions like, “where is this going?” or “who’s going to actually see this?” Well, this is where it’s going. This is where people will actually see it.
What will you see? Well, it all depends, really. For the most part you’ll see film-related things, such as movie reviews, or my thoughts on recent film news. Other times I may post a short story if I happen to find the inspiration to write one. And other times, you may see me talk about other interests of mine, such as music or gaming or things of that nature. Believe me, it’ll be an interesting mix.
On another note, I felt an inaugural post was necessary for not only establishing why this blog is here, but also because I feel it’s important to establish that this blog is simply one extension of the “Larry Fried Presents” brand. My work can be found in several other areas, including my website, my YouTube channel, my DeviantArt gallery, and my SoundCloud page. You can also like my page on Facebook, and follow me on Twitter for updates whenever those pages are updated with new material!

I’m excited to share my thoughts with you all, and I hope you all enjoy the work that I post here.
I’m certain that we’ll all have a grand ol’ time.